Saturday, June 16, 2012

Back In Utah/Update

Hello all!!
I'm finally back in Utah after 5 months in Hawaii. Although I will be returning to Hawaii in 3 months.
It's been a long time since I posted... But here's why. 
Things were all crazy and dramatic in the MG group on facebook and people kept taking sides. Because of that, I decided to stop blogging for a while. But now I'm back :) 
This blog is not JUST about being a missionary girlfriend. I do recall there have been posts about Justin Bieber, my love for the food network, and other random thoughts. 
Now, a little update on my relationship with Preston: This week he told me that he thinks it would be best for him if we stop talking for awhile. That means no emails, no letters, no videos. It'll be weird not sending him weekly emails but I really believe it's a good thing :) It's time for me to focus on Jared and time for Preston to focus on his mission.
Alright, enough of that :) 
I don't really know what else to write about.. So I'll just insert a video :) 
Enjoy :)


  1. It's hard when you finally accept the loss of someone you've loved for so long! Its weird not writing all the time when youre just so used to it. And its even harder to accept the act that you're okay with it. For me at least. I thought t would be all tears when my missionary dear janed me, but I wasn't. I know that god has much more in store for me and for him! And you too! So I'm here and I get it completely!

    Have a wonderful day!

  2. Are you are Preston not going to talk for the rest of his mission?

    1. I know that it will all work out for you, as long as you keep doing what you know is best. Keep blogging!

  3. when does Jared leave for his mission?

    1. We don't know yet. He's submitting his papers in a week or two. We're thinking he'll leave around October-ish

  4. Always follow your heart, no matter what anyone else says. If God wants you to be wth Preston, you'll be with him. If God wants you to be with Jared, you'll be with him. Always keep faith in the man above :) He knows what's best for everyone :) I love reading your blog! :)

  5. i just came across your blog today and I read a bit of your story. i just want to say i admire you--so much. i think many times some missionary girls forget that its ok to live a life while your mish is gone. i'm a missionary girl myself and my biggest fear is that i'll regret not living while he is having experiences he'll never forget. the lord is great. this gospel is great. keep doing what you're doing. i admire you.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.


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