Wednesday, April 13, 2011


I have officially lived through 2 months without the love of my life. (Technically it was 2 months 4 days ago..) So I have lived 2 months and 4 days without him :) I feel like I've really learned a lot these past two months, and my testimony has been strengthened beyond belief. Remember how I had a list of goals for last month? I accomplished probably 3/4 of them :) I finished D&C, I sent a letter every week and a Dear Elder everyday, I baked something new once a week, saw Never Say Never again, decided what job I want over the summer, blogged once a week and tried a new food :) (it was cuban food, super yummy!) The ones I didn't accomplish were: I didn't complete 10 volunteer hours (I only completed 4) I didn't work out three days a week, and I didn't watch Titanic... Although I did see Titanic the Musical :)
This month was easier but also still very hard. It seems to have gone by slower than the first month, but I know it'll speed up :) 
This month I have received:
  • 4 letters
  • 2 memory cards (videos!!) 
  • 1 cassette 
  • and 4 personal emails along with the family email :) 
I feel extremely lucky being able to get the stuff that I've been getting. I know some girls don't get near that much. I know that once he actually leaves for Hungary (in 12 days) the mail will probably get a little slower. But I seriously cannot WAIT until the call from the airport! I am counting down the days :) Probably because I've decided to do something this fall that involves leaving Utah and I haven't told Preston anything about it yet. So that's one of the main reasons I can't wait for the phone call :) But overall, this month has been really good :) I want to thank ALLLLLLL the MG's who talk to me on a daily basis to make this whole process 100x's easier. I really have come to love you girls :) You are all amazing and you mean more to me than you know. You guys are always there for me and always help pick me up when I'm feeling down. I really couldn't be doing this without you :) In conclusion, this is what 2 months down looks like:
Eh, I'm getting there :) 
I love you Elder Wright <3 <3 <3


  1. You didnt complete the goals that actually mattered. Pethetic. Just sayin'

  2. You are amazing Desiree! It took me a year after Eric being gone to really feel like my testimony had been strengthened. Of course, I didn't really try until then.

  3. Hey Desiree! I found your blog from a mutual friend who I also follow and wanted to introduce myself so I can not feel so odd stalking to you ;)
    Two months down-you go girlie! :D it definitely is an amazing feeling when you get another month down! Cute chart by the way! :)
    kendahl :D

  4. @ Paris, finishing D&C is a good accomplishment :) watching Titanic and working out aren't more important than that. Also trying a new food and baking new foods are good too. Also deciding what job I wanted was important. So I'm pretty sure you are wrong missy :)
    @ Alix Thank you :) You are seriously one of my inspirations because you've made it sooooo far and you always seem to start so strong. I think it's really amazing :)

  5. WOOHOO! It seems like just yesterday he just left. You can do this!

  6. hehehehe the song from tangled is playing right now on your blog.. it's on mine too!!! well my other blog... lmao
    & i like this idea! setting goals for each month... why didnt i think of this before!?

  7. wooo, I don't know you, but I blog stalk you sometimes, maybe I commented before I don't know, however I am waiting for a missionary too, I can tell you time goes super fast and it's so good you are setting yourself goals, stick to it girl!! :)
