Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Come to Realization

I've always wanted to know what the "rules" are for missionary girlfriends. What we're allowed to do, and what we're not allowed to do. But i think i just realized that there are not a lot of official guidelines for missionary girlfriends. A lot of people think they know the rule, when in reality that rule doesn't really exist--it's just something people have said.

I find that instead of being a distraction, we can be one of their most solid supports. Especially in how active we stay in the church, stay in contact with his family, and in our letters and packages.

It's true that the statistics for missionaries marrying the girl are not exactly amazing, but that doesn't mean missionary relationships don't exist, or that they are a waste of time. I think it means we should look beyond the numbers and ask why it is that so many girls give up. My theory is because we feel so hopeless and alone, and because we don't get a lot of support. I want to combat the failure rates and i think more people should be supportive and give girls a sense that they aren't crazy or totally alone.

I could go on for hours, but I'll just let end with those thoughts. 


  1. So I'm 17 and I'm dating a mormon. He has been my bestfriend since 8th grade and we've been more then that for almost a year now. We're staring our senior year of high school in less then a month and that means I have about a year and a half until it's his time to go on his mission. I'm terrified of him leaving but coming across your blog has made me feel a little bit better about it and you're a very big inspiration. (:

  2. I love this! I am going to be a girlfriend of a missionary so so soon! I am going to create my blog soon and it is comforting to see this post because I am too nervous on what the "rules" are. :) Your blog is a true inspiration to me ;)
